I have this pain
pain in my stomach
tears in my eyes
this feeling of numbness
that just won’t go away
since he's died
all I do is cry
I cry on the inside
but don’t let anyone see me cry on the outside
I’m trying to be there for her as much as I can
and hold myself together as well
and its finally hitting hard
that he's not coming back
he's gone
and now I cant ever see him again
I can’t stop crying
I want to go to heaven with him
why did this have to happen
he wasn’t old enough to die
his health didn’t even seem that bad
now all I can do is remember him
but I want him here with me
I want him back, I don’t want him to be dead
I want him to be able to go fishing with me this summer
I want him to take me hunting
I want him to take me along when he goes grocery shopping
but he's gone now and all I can do is cry, and miss him
and have this feeling of guilt
why, why did this have to happen
why did this happen to him
why did god take him away so soon
why couldn’t I have seen him one last time
got to talk to him one last time
before he went away
now I’m going to try to hold it together
but when I see him laying in the casket
I’m going to lose it again and so will she
his wife, my best friend
why does god do these things?
I don’t understand
and now I feel numb, and empty inside
and now all I can do is cry, and cry, and cry
I’ve never had anyone so close to me die, and have it hurt this much inside
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