Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lost and Heartbroken

Lost in this lonely world
I am lost now
I am without what I once knew
Everything has changed
And not for the better
Life is sometimes too much to handle
I cannot grasp what is happening around me
It's like a bad nightmare that I cannot seem to wake up from
My world is spinning out of control
She cheated on me for 2 months with a man
A man that is now her boyfriend
She lied until I finally got it out of her
Now all I am to her is her "best friend"
Yes it is true, she knows me better than anyone else
She knows me better than my own parents know me
Yes, she is my best friend
But I always wanted to be more than that
And we were for the last 4 years
Until she decided to cheat on me with a man
The grass isn't always greener on the other side
And maybe she'll see that
I do believe in Karma
The good kind and the bad kind
She has hurt me so
And broken my heart into a million pieces
And I believe if she is due bad karma for the hurt that she has caused me
Than so be it, I have no control of the Karma that she receives
I do not wish bad upon her
I want her to be happy
Even if it is not with me
However, a part of me wishes that she ends up not happy with him
A part of me wishes that it doesn't work out with him
Not necessarily so she can come back to me
But so she can understand what it feels like to have your heart ripped out of your chest
So she can understand what it feels like to have your heart broken into a million pieces
A part of me wants her to feel the pain that she has caused me
A part of me wants her to feel heartbreak
But I am a good person
And I do not wish ill on anyone
I want everyone to be happy and loved
I am just not a person like her that can hurt others intentionally
My world has become nothing but darkness
And I don't know how to cope
I try to live life one day at a time
But my life without her, without us as a couple
Saddens me and breaks my heart even more
We still live together and living with her
Knowing that she is not mine and that she is with someone else
Kills me all over again
The pain I feel is unbearable
And indescribable
I know life will go on
But I don't want life to go on without her
While she is my best friend and unfortunately that's all
And she is still living with me
I know one day she will move away to be with the man she left me for
And my heart will break all over again
My world will be shattered into a million pieces all over again
And I will lose her completely, forever
I can't cope or grasp this whole situation at all
Is this what dying from a broken heart feels like?
If so I don't want to live anymore



By: Aiden Kirchner 2018

I could feel a Thunderstorm coming
my knees had started to ache
the thunder, lightning and rain
was on its way, if it hadn't already came
I decided to go outside
The sky was black as night
the birds were no longer in sign
the trees had begun to shake
as the wind picked up
the leaves were being blown about
I could feel the boom of the thunder hit
as I was standing on my deck
and I felt the vibration
The rain started pouring down quickly
huge raindrops pounding against the ground
I could feel them on my shoe
They felt like needles jabbing my foot

Positive Thinking



Learn from yesterday, love for today, hope for tomorrow
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye
You have the power to say, this is not how my story will end
A change may be just around the corner
Change can be good, think positive
Kindness is magic, spread that shit everywhere
Collect adventures, not things
Leave with the memories because you can't take your possessions with you when you die
Remember, you are magic
But think positive, don't believe the negative things that you think
Find a reason to smile, there's always a reason to smile
Dream it, wish it, and do it!
No act of kindness is ever wasted, do for others,
even if they can't repay you
Pay it forward, its about caring and sharing, compassion and kindness
It's about generosity, it's about sacrifice, and love
You get what you give, so give good, love hard

Get Fired Up



Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be
The creative adult is the child who survived
We declare the world as our canvas, the earth without art is just 'eh
Don't be scared to be a bitch, maybe it is only your definition
and not the truth of who you are!
Be yourself, stand up for yourself!
Don't just be another brick in the wall
Are you the fire or just another flame?
I'm the fire that burns, you can't put me out
Are you who you want to be?
You're never too old or too young to DREAM BIG
Don't die wondering
Your comfort zone will kill you
The quickest way to acquire self confidence is to do
exactly what you are afraid to do
Follow your dreams

Fight For What's Right

Fight For What's Right


Migration is not a crime
We all bleed the same
I see humans but no humanity
Change the rules, shake things up a bit
Create chaos and disorder
Stand up and fight
It doesn't have to be a never-ending cycle
Be the change you want to see
We can't feed the poor but we can fund a war
and send our soldiers oversees to die because of your greed
You = resistance
Free your mind, kill your TV
Why pay to live on a planet we were born on?
Hungry? Eat the rich, they are the worst
I've seen more that would scare them to death than they have
in their entire pampered life
Fight for what's right or don't get in the way of those who are

Welcome To Reality

Welcome to Reality


I feel bad for the people who never go crazy
Being normal is no fun
My memory is fading and I only feel present half the time
How we survive is what makes us who we are
We are all fighting a battle others may not see
Why are we still waiting for our lives to start?
Art and Writing should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable
You don't like my writings??
You should try living a day in my head
I guarantee you will be glad its me and not you
She was fragile, like a bomb, not a flower
Music, Art, Writing, it connects people
Depression is like drowning except you can see everyone else
around you breathing
Life is a beautiful struggle
She was like the moon...
Part of her was always hidden
Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul
A nightmare that won't go away
Welcome to reality

Mental Illness

Mental Illness

©️Aiden Kirchner

How do you run from what's inside your head?
Tormented by her own mind
It was her chaos that made her beautiful
And it all starts with a few innocent scratches
The war is in my mind, and the wounds are on my body
Never underestimate how much pain somebody has to be
to put a razor to their wrist,
a finger to their throat,
a gun to their head,
or a pen to 'that' note.
Tormented by my own mind
I'm being murdered by my own mind, mental illness
people aren't born broken
they start with a passion and yearning
until something comes along
that disabuses them of those notions
Just because someone is trying
doesn't mean they're okay
Depression, mental illness is like
having an abusive relationship with yourself