Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mental Illness

Mental Illness

©️Aiden Kirchner

How do you run from what's inside your head?
Tormented by her own mind
It was her chaos that made her beautiful
And it all starts with a few innocent scratches
The war is in my mind, and the wounds are on my body
Never underestimate how much pain somebody has to be
to put a razor to their wrist,
a finger to their throat,
a gun to their head,
or a pen to 'that' note.
Tormented by my own mind
I'm being murdered by my own mind, mental illness
people aren't born broken
they start with a passion and yearning
until something comes along
that disabuses them of those notions
Just because someone is trying
doesn't mean they're okay
Depression, mental illness is like
having an abusive relationship with yourself

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