Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Giving Up March 22, 2011 at 11:19pm

So troubled
My mind is so messed up
Don’t care no more
Don’t know which way to go
Just want to cry
Just want to shout in anger
Just want to scream out the pain
Just want to cry, cry in the rain
Life sometimes becomes a bit too much
Too much for me to handle
Don’t tell anyone
Keep the thoughts in my head
Don’t say the things I probably should have said
I’m losing all emotion
Losing my will to care
Losing my will to survive
Almost about to just give up
Losing who I am
Hating myself for who I’ve become
Losing my personality
Such a coward
I’ve become such a bad person
Hate who I am
Hate who I’ve become
Giving up
No money to survive
I’ve lost it all
Breakdown after breakdown
Episode after episode
It’s getting harder to survive
Sometimes life gets worse than we had hoped for
Didn’t want to have to resort to this just to survive
Didn’t ever want to have to live life this way

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