Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Just Woke Up March 21, 2011 at 10:30pm

I just woke up
I feel like I’ve just woke up from a nightmare
But it wasn’t a dream
This is fucking reality
I hate reality
I wish I could stay numb forever
It don’t work like that
This is life
Reality bites
I’ve never in my life felt as much pain as I do right now
I never thought I would ever feel this kind of pain
It’s the worst feeling in the world
I can’t stop crying
I feel like I’m dying
I just want to stop trying
Just give up on life all together
I’m trying to be strong
But I’m at my weakest right now
But I’ve got my guard up
And I don’t trust anyone anymore
I’m building this brick wall up
I’m locking the door
I’m not letting anyone in

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