Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My Future Foretold

So, one day
my life was displayed
My future was foretold
and this is how it goes
I was told

I had my suicide foretold
it said I was going to be a household attempt
A little bleach, some windex
Then wash it down with some amonia

The psychic said I'd do it once, but never again
I'm supposed to die in 2013
By jumping off the nearest building

My suicide note says
unrequitted love can kill
but I do it for the thrill

I didn't believe the psychic
so I went to another one
this one said
the words to my suicide note
came to her in her head

The title was, why did it have to end this way
the most memorable line will say
it's been 2 years since I've got laid
49 people read my note
and each one remember's a quote
I was fogotten on November 4th, 2005

If that's true, why haven't I died
I asked some German Cannibal to eat me
so you see
German's think we're quite tasty

I didn't like that fortune either
So I headed down the block
thinkin nonstop
Next psychic i went to
told me, look at this picture of you
so I looked at it
And told her she was full of shit

She said no my child
This is how you will die
I had sliced my throat
with an electric turkey carver
She said
I did it
to be a martyr

You will see
Your death will be
March 26th, 2033
Hadn't died yet

I went to another
she said I'd die in a pool
And so I asked her when
she said June 8th, 2004
I missed that one
cos I should already be dead then

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