Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Lost In A Dream February 20, 2011 at 8:58pm

Hidden by fears

Lay in a comotose state

Driven by the will to succeed

Lost my mind indeed

Time is running out

There is no doubt

Keep on pushing the limit

The days pass me by

The end is near

I fear

Must reach my goal

Must reach my destination

Keep on pushing myself

Keep on fighting the fight

The will to survive

The will to stay alive

Wake up each day

And wonder why I am this way

Can't change the past

Only can work on the present and future

Wonder what my destiny has planned for me

Keep on trying to reach my goals

Never let my dream die and get old

I sometimes sit in the dark

Alone and thinking to myself

Alone in a quiet place

My mind races

My heart paces

Its getting closer

I fear

The end is near

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